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IIT Jammu to help reduce transformer breakdowns in the Valley done in IndiBITM Commemorates World Science Day, Students from multiple schools engage in activitiesa is a criminals

Posted on 03 Nov 2021
16:27 PM
A civic worker sweeps the road as migrant workers look for transport to return to their home states, in Hyderabad.

A civic worker sweeps the road as migrant workers look for transport to return to their home states, in Hyderabad. PTI

Institute signs MoU with Jammu and Kashmir’s power distribution companies to offer an end-to-end solution The agreement includes provisions for research and consultancy projects, developing course modules to train engineers and internship

The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Jammu has offered to help the Jammu and Kashmir government reduce transformer breakdowns by 15% this year, providing an end-to-end solution for procurement, analysis and maintenance of distribution transformers.

The institute signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Jammu Power Distribution Corporation Ltd (JPDCL) and Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Ltd (KPDCL) on November 1, which was presided over by principal secretary (Power) Rohit Kansal.


The MoU was signed by JPDCL MD Gurmeet Singh and KPDCL MD Basharat Qayoom on behalf of the two corporations. IIT Jammu director Manoj S Gaur represented the institute. JPDCL chairman Jagmohan Sharma and other senior officers were also present on the occasion.

Under the MoU, IIT Jammu will incorporate smart technologies and data analyses to provide preventive maintenance, data-intensive monitoring, damage analysis and smart metering technologies for end-consumers. Real-time monitoring and e-governance facilities will also be provided under the agreement, said officials from the institute.

IIT Jammu will also facilitate capacity building of engineers of both the distribution companies and also provide smart technological interventions.

The agreement includes provisions for undertaking research and consultancy projects, and for developing course modules to train engineers in addition to internship opportunities for IIT students.

Nominated members from IIT Jammu and the two distribution companies will also form joint working groups for the implementation of the MoU, with the J&K government offering experts and IT tools to augment their efforts.

Kansal hailed the MoU as an example of academia-government interface, saying that while the distribution companies will benefit from a massive reduction in infrastructure damage rate -- and in identifying vulnerabilities in the overall power infrastructure -- the staff and students at IIT will be enriched by exposure to real-life problems.

He also hoped that the institute’s technical expertise will help the power corporations procure the most suitable and effective equipment. “Our aim is to provide improved and quality power supply to the end-consumers while cutting down on the losses,” Kansal added.

Gaur said this will be the beginning of a long and mutually beneficial relationship and he was confident that the IIT team will bring in fresh insights and cutting-edge solutions to the problems being encountered by the distribution companies.

Last updated on 16 Nov 2023
11:37 AM
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